Make sure you have Docker or a JDK 16 build environment including Gradle installed on your machine
Cloning the project
2. Changing directory
3. Building the project
4. Creating an alias (optional)
5. Running the project (with alias)
6. Running the project (without alias)
7. Configure the IDP Kit to your needs
Cloning the project
2. Changing directory
3. Building the project
4. Creating an alias (optional)
5. Running the project (with alias)
6. Running the project (without alias)
7. Configure the IDP Kit to your needs
To get info about available options of the run command, use:
waltid-idpkit run --help
For more build options, please refer to the build section
Refer to IDP Kit setup and configuration, to find out details about binding address and port on which the REST APIs are exposed.
OIDC API is available under the context path /api/oidc/
SIOP API is available under the context path /api/siop/
A swagger documentation of all exposed APIs is available under /api/swagger
You can find the publicly deployed API documentations for our stable and rolling deployments:
Rolling deployment:
Stable deployment: