Cryptographic keys convey control over digital identities and enable core functionality such as encryption and authentication.
The SSI Kit supports:
EdDSA / ed25519
ECDSA / secp256k1
ECDSA / secp256r1
Note that we are continuously adding support for new key types.
You can learn more about keys here.
Our products are agnostic towards the underlying technologies used to implement Trust Registries, which means that the SSI Kit is potentially compatible with any type of Trust Registry.
The SSI Kit supports:
Permissionless Blockchains (e.g. Ethereum),
Permissioned Blockchains (e.g. Ethereum Enterprise/Hyperledger Besu),
Domain Name Service (DNS),
Pure peer-to-peer approaches that do not require Registries.
Note that we are continuously adding support for new Registries and underlying technologies.
You can learn more about Trust Registries here.
Our open source solutions enable you to use different types of DIDs and different identity ecosystems. Every relevant functionality is supported from the generation of DIDs and DID Documents to anchoring or resolving them on/from Registries.
We currently support the following DID methods:
Note that we are continuously adding support for new DID methods.
You can learn more about DIDs here.
Authentication and data exchange protocols (e.g. OIDC/SIOP) enable the exchange of data (VCs) between different parties.
The SSI Kit supports latest OpenID Connect extension for SSI:
The implementation of the protocols is conformant with the latest specs from EBSI
You can learn more about protocols here.
The SSI Kit abstracts complexity for developers by following a "multi-stack approach" that enables you to use different implementations or "flavours" of SSI.
As a result, you can participate in different identity ecosystems (e.g. EBSI/ESSIF, Gaia-X, Velocity Network, cheqd and IOTA) and avoid technology-related lock-in effects.
Based on our Introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), we distinguish the following concepts or building blocks:
Read on to learn which concrete technologies and implementations we support on the level of
Trust Registries
Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)
Verifiable Credentials (VCs)
Data Exchange Protocols
Verifiable Credentials (VCs) are digital identity documents that can easily and securely be shared with and verified (incl. validity, integrity, authenticity, provenance) by anyone in a privacy preserving way. Importantly, they are never (!) stored on a blockchain due to privacy and compliance reasons.
The SSI Kit supports W3C Verifiable Credentials in different formats:
Note that we are continuously adding support for new VC types and formats.
You can learn more about VCs .