DID cheqd scheme is supported with the same functionality as the other DID schemes (see Decentralized Identifiers for command-line interface or #decentralised-identifiers for REST API). Creating a did:cheqd
will also onboard with the Universal Registrar. The created DID can be checked at https://resolver.cheqd.net/1.0/identifiers/{your-did} or using the Universal Resolver.
requires keys of type Ed25519
. They can be either:
imported into SSIKit - and further used when creating the did by specifying the kid
or created with SSIKit
by default when running the did-create command
Detailed instructions on how to build and run the SSI-Kit's CLI.
E.g. create a did:cheqd
on testnet
and also create the key for it by default
Detailed instructions on how to build and run the SSI-Kit's REST API.
did schema (use cheqd)
mainnet or testnet
A Cosmos based blockchain
The cheqd Network is a Cosmos SDK-based blockchain that facilitates the exchange of trusted, verifiable data off-chain Verifiable Credentials, using on-chain identifiers (Decentralised Identifiers 'DIDs'). The cheqd Network leverages the cheqd DID method and enables linked resources to be written to the network, associated with a DID and controlled using the verification methods in the DID Document. Through this approach, the cheqd Network is able to natively support all major credential types: VC-JWT, JSON-LD and AnonCreds across an array of enterprise SDKs. cheqd also has a dedicated token, $CHEQ, used for identity writes to the network, voting in a decentralised governance framework as well as for various payment flows between verifiers, holders and issuers of Verifiable Credentials.
Create DID - Create your first did:cheqd
Issue VC - Issue your first Verifiable Credential based on a did:cheqd
Verify VC - Verify your Credential based on a did:cheqd
In order to be able to onboard the did:cheqd
on testnet and mainnet, SSIKit relies on a cheqd universal registrar deployed on walt.id infrastructure. The DID will be created using a key imported into or also created with SSIKit.
Detailed instructions on how to verify VCs using the CLI.
Detailed instructions on how to verify VCs using REST.
Detailed instructions on how to issue VCs using the CLI.
Detailed instructions on how to issue VCs using REST.