Issuer Configuration Multi-tenancy
Since mid-Jan Q1/23 the Wallet Kit extended it's multi-issuer configurability to a complete multi-tenancy supported system.
All API endpoints for issuer configuration have the option for setting a tenantId .
The default tenantId is "default".
Creating a DID for a tenant
POST /issuer-api/{tenantId}/config/did/create
Body Schema
POST this JSON body to the specified URL:
Method being one of: [ key, web, ebsi, iota, cheqd, jwk ]. Only the method is required. All "didWeb" prefixed options are only needed for creating a did:web.
Example Response
Response: did:key:z6MknaJ7YLdkCq1QV2tcwVSY5uVfUKGfBdigo7g4PyipTnCc
Retrieve and update tenant configuration
GET /issuer-api/{tenantId}/config/getConfiguration
Copy curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:8080/issuer-api/default/config/getConfiguration' \
-H 'accept: application/json'
Example Response
Copy {
"issuerUiUrl": "",
"issuerApiUrl": "",
"issuerClientName": " Issuer Portal",
"wallets": {
"": {
"id": "",
"url": "",
"description": " web wallet",
"presentPath": "api/siop/initiatePresentation/",
"receivePath" : "api/siop/initiateIssuance/"
Update issuer configuration to include our generated DID
POST /issuer-api/{tenantId}/config/setConfiguration
Copy curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d 'vv JSON BELOW vv'
Example Response
Copy {
"issuerUiUrl": "",
"issuerApiUrl": "",
"issuerClientName": " Issuer Portal",
"issuerDid": "did:key:z6MknaJ7YLdkCq1QV2tcwVSY5uVfUKGfBdigo7g4PyipTnCc",
"wallets": {
"": {
"id": "",
"url": "",
"description": " web wallet",
"presentPath": "api/siop/initiatePresentation/",
"receivePath" : "api/siop/initiateIssuance/"
The configuration was amended to include the "issuerDid" attribute with the DID from "Creating a DID for a tenant".