4. Create a walt.yaml file in the root directory of the project. Values needed are described in the configuration section.
4. Building the project
docker build --rm -t waltid/idpkit .
5. Creating an alias (optional)
alias idpkit="docker run -p 8080:8080 -e WALTID_DATA_ROOT=/data -v $PWD:/data waltid/idpkit"
Running the IDP-Kit Frontend
The frontend with which the user will interact to authenticate by doing a connect wallet.
Change into the frontend directory
cd web/waltid-idpkit-ui/
Install dependencies using node v.16
yarn install
npm install
Running the project
yarn dev
npm run dev
Configuring the SSI wallet used during authentication
In the verifier config (config/verifier-config.json), we can define the SSI wallet which should be used. For this example, we can use the hosted wallet by walt.id.