Build end-to-end use cases

This is a holistic SSI use case, which demonstrates the setup of two identities for an Issuer and a Holder on the EBSI blockchain. It also shows the steps to issue two diploma credentials to the Holder (e.g student), which then creates a Verifiable Presentation including both credentials in order to be verified. The Verifier then resolves the DIDs from the EBSI ledger and uses the corresponding public keys to verify the signatures from the issued credentials.


Creating a work-dir for all three parties of the trust triangle (Issuer, Holder & Verifier)

mkdir issuer
mkdir holder
mkdir verifier

Setting up the Issuer (generating a key, EBSI DID and registering it on the EBSI ledger)

cd issuer/
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit key gen -a Secp256k1
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit did create -m ebsi -k 48ff0d51910c4dc4b05b420547a05f9f
cat > data/bearer-token.txt    
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit essif onboard --did did:ebsi:22NPNHrBUWCKDJWuvpJD5s2V7JZNQRQvajMHP9hiky57nfhC data/bearer-token.txt
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit essif auth-api --did did:ebsi:22NPNHrBUWCKDJWuvpJD5s2V7JZNQRQvajMHP9hiky57nfhC
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit essif did register --did did:ebsi:22NPNHrBUWCKDJWuvpJD5s2V7JZNQRQvajMHP9hiky57nfhC 

Setting up the Holder (generating a key, EBSI DID and registering it on the EBSI ledger)

cd ../holder/
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit key gen -a Secp256k1
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit did create -m ebsi -k 2c497f88593b4db9a571fb7146606fc2
cat > data/bearer-token.txt   
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit essif onboard --did did:ebsi:2YiP8ae91JPNQ86YQWvPytdBP8rfKZYR8r95CE8aZ1ooUatr data/bearer-token.txt
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit essif auth-api --did did:ebsi:2YiP8ae91JPNQ86YQWvPytdBP8rfKZYR8r95CE8aZ1ooUatr
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit essif did register --did did:ebsi:2YiP8ae91JPNQ86YQWvPytdBP8rfKZYR8r95CE8aZ1ooUatr

Setting up the Verifier (only run ssikit in order to initialize the work-dir)

cd ../verifier/
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit -h

Issuing two credentials, one Bachelor & one Master degree (values are defined by running the interactive shell). Both credentials are based on the VerifiableDiploma Template

cd ../issuer/
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit vc issue -i did:ebsi:22NPNHrBUWCKDJWuvpJD5s2V7JZNQRQvajMHP9hiky57nfhC -s did:ebsi:2YiP8ae91JPNQ86YQWvPytdBP8rfKZYR8r95CE8aZ1ooUatr -t VerifiableDiploma --interactive data/bachelor.json
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit vc issue -i did:ebsi:22NPNHrBUWCKDJWuvpJD5s2V7JZNQRQvajMHP9hiky57nfhC -s did:ebsi:2YiP8ae91JPNQ86YQWvPytdBP8rfKZYR8r95CE8aZ1ooUatr -t VerifiableDiploma --interactive data/master.json
cp data/master.json data/bachelor.json ../holder/data

Creating the Verifiable Presentation containing both - the Master and the Bachelor credential

cd ../holder/
docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit vc present --holder-did did:ebsi:2YiP8ae91JPNQ86YQWvPytdBP8rfKZYR8r95CE8aZ1ooUatr data/master.json data/bachelor.json
cp data/vc/presented/vp-1632686198721.json ../verifier/data

Verifying the Verifiable Presentation by resolving DIDs (public keys) from the EBSI ledger and verifying the signatures from each VC (Bachelor & Master degree credential) and from the VP itself.

docker run -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data waltid/ssikit vc verify -p TrustedIssuerDidPolicy -p TrustedSubjectDidPolicy -p JsonSchemaPolicy -p SignaturePolicy data/vp-1632686198721.json

Walt.ID SSI-Kit 1.0-SNAPSHOT (running on Java 16.0.2+7-67)

Verifying from file data/vp-1632686198721.json ...


TrustedIssuerDidPolicy:          true
TrustedSubjectDidPolicy:                 true
JsonSchemaPolicy:                true
Verified:                true

Note that the order of the policies does matter. The TrustedIssuerDidPolicy & TrustedSubjectDidPolicy are verifying the presents of the DIDs on the EBSI ledger, and if they are, the keys are imported to the key-store. Once the keys are available, the SignaturePolicy can be applied in order to verify each signature.

Last updated

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