NFT | Ownership Verification

NFTs verification enables multiple use cases. The NFT Kit provides numerous approaches to verify the ownership of the NFTs and that the NFTs have customized properties.

NFT ownership verification:

You can use this API to verify if an account is the real owner of an NFT.


Swagger Doc | ReDoc

Curl call example

curl -X GET "{chain}/verifyNftOwnership" 
-H  "accept: application/json"

Path Params :

  • chain : chain to work with. Either ALGORAND_TESTNET , ALGORAND_BETANET, ALGORAND_MAINNET

  • assetId : The id of the Asset

  • address : Address of the NFT holder

Example :

curl -X GET "" 
-H  "accept: application/json"

NFT ownership verification with traits :

You can use this API to verify if an account is the real owner of an NFT existed in Algorand blockchain with NFT property verification.


Swagger Doc | ReDoc

Curl call example

curl -X GET "{chain}/verifyAlgorandNftOwnershipWithTraits" 
-H  "accept: application/json"

Path Params :

  • chain : chain to work with. Either ALGORAND_TESTNET , ALGORAND_BETANET, ALGORAND_MAINNET

  • assetId : The id of the Asset

  • address : Address of the NFT holder

  • trait : trait type

  • value : the value of the trait

Example :

curl -X GET "" 
-H  "accept: application/json"

NFT ownership verification Based on Creator Address :

This Endpoint will verify if a given account has an NFT minted from a particular account .


Swagger Doc | ReDoc

Curl call example

curl -X GET "{chain}/{address}/verifyNftOwnershipBasedOnCreator/{creatorAddress}"
-H  "accept: application/json"

Path Params :

  • chain : chain to work with. Either ALGORAND_TESTNET , ALGORAND_BETANET, ALGORAND_MAINNET

  • address : Address of the NFT holder

  • creatorAddress : The initial creator address

Example :

curl -X GET "" 
-H  "accept: application/json"

NFT Metadata verification Against Dynamic Policy :


Swagger Doc | ReDoc

Curl call example

curl -X GET "{chain}/token/{token id}/policy/{policyName}/verification"
-H  "accept: application/json"

Path Params :

  • chain : chain to work with. Either ALGORAND_TESTNET , ALGORAND_BETANET, ALGORAND_MAINNET

  • token id : the token id

  • policyName : Name of the policy you want to verify against

Example :

curl -X GET ""
-H  "accept: application/json"

Last updated

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