Setup NFT-Kit

Before we can start with configuring our NFT collection, we need to clone and run the NFT-Kits REST API on our machine.

Installation & Running the Project

Make sure you have a JDK 16 build environment including Gradle installed on your machine

Make sure you have a Node.js and the npm installed on your machine.

  1. Clone the project

git clone

2. Change the folder

cd waltid-nftkit/js

3. Put the configuration needed by the file under the path: js/.envof the project

4. Run the following command:

npm install

4. Run the following command:

npm start

5. Open new terminal under the path: waltid-nftkit

6. Make the rest of the configuration

7. Build the project

gradle clean build

8. Run the executable

In build/distributions/ you have two archives, a .tar, and a .zip.

Extract the one that is built for your system and run it.

cd build/distributions/
tar xf waltid-nftkit-1.0.0.tar 

Now we can visit the REST API at the endpoint displayed in the terminal after running the project. In the next section, we will be configuring our NFT collection and deploy the Smart Contract on Near Protocol blockchain

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