CLI | Command Line Interface

Manage keys, DIDs, issue Verifiable Credentials, and verify them using the SSI-Kit command line tool.

Installation & Running the Project

Choose between a Docker or a JVM-based runtime.

Make sure you have Docker build environment installed on your machine.

  1. Pulling the project directly from DockerHub

docker pull waltid/ssikit

2. Setting and alias for convenience

alias ssikit="docker container run -p 7000-7004:7000-7004 -itv $(pwd)/data:/app/data"

3. Getting an overview of the commands and options available

ssikit -h

If you want to get a more detailed overview of the options provided for building the project on your machine, please refer to building the project.

Response configuration

For debug infos add "-v" e.g.:

ssikit -v

ssikit -v did create

Getting Started

Explore the components of the SSI Kit and their functionality:

Last updated

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